The only way to bring your massage therapist home with you! We offer a wide variety of tools for all types of muscle tightness and tension. Use these in the gym, at home, while traveling o at work!
Acupressure Ball Looking for a versatile and durable self-massage tool? Look no further than the Active Body Ball, the #1 ranked self-massage tool for durability and versatility on the market!...
The TheraCane - Active Sport Full Body Massager is a simple yet effective self-massager that makes it easy to apply pain-relieving deep compression directly to hard, knotted "trigger points" anywhere they...
The GRID® STK is innovation in hand-held foam rollers! Specifically designed with GRID® surface and AcuGRIP handles allowing you to stay seated or standing to roll, release and relieve minor aches...
Hand-held Massage Roller This easy-to-use handheld massage roller, apply pressure using circular motions around the troubled spot, improving circulation and relieving pain. It can be used over clothes, or on...
The GRID Roller is revolutionizing the way people move. Whether you’re a professional athlete or just trying to get through your day, this roller can help you feel better and move...
Massage Tools What if your massage therapist came to you? Looking to soothe away tension and release tight muscle knots? The COREFX Recovery Ball is the perfect portable alternative to...